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Program Application

Jerome B. Cohen X-ray Diffraction Facility

FUNCTION: The primary function is to provide general-purpose equipment for X-ray scattering and fluorescence studies. The facility can also provide equipment for non-routine experiments such as, special attachments for high temperatures, vacuum or protective atmospheres, monochromators, special linear and area detectors, etc. Examples of current measurements are: powder diffraction (XRD), single-crystal diffraction, thin-film reflectivity (XRR), thin-film diffraction, crystal truncation rod scattering (CTR), small angle scattering (SAXS), Laue diffraction, pole figures, energy dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy, x-ray standing waves, high-resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD), and grazing incidence wide-angle scattering (GIWAXS), and GISAXS. The X-ray lab also functions to help prepare students and postdocs for their beamtime at the Advanced Photon Source (APS).

EQUIPMENT:There are presently thirteen experimental x-ray stations available, five of which have rotating anode sources.

COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE:All of the x-ray stations operate via networked PC's with
software that allows for control via stepping motors and data collection via counters. A
networked printer and wireless network are provided. Available software includes: ICDD PDF4+ database, MDI-JADE xrd analysis, CrystalMaker, and Laue diffraction software packages are available. LINUX based SPEC and NEWPLOT (also used at the APS) are available on four of the stations.

Facility Type: 


  1. 12 kW Cu Rigaku

    Cu target rotating anode with vertical line source and high-resolution Huber 2-circle diffractometer with Osmic Max-Flux multi-layer mirror wide band-pass monochromator, coupled to a postmonochromator stage for a (111), (220), or (400) Si 2-bounce channel-cut or(111) Ge 2-bounce collimator, SPEC software control, high-count rate s cintillation detector, automated beam attenuator and multi-channel analyzer fluorescence spectroscopy system.

  2. 18 kW Cu Rigaku

    Medium resolution Huber 4-circle diffractometer with double-focusing Graphite (002) monochromator and SPEC software control and automated beam attenuator.

  3. 18 kW Mo Rigaku

    Mo target rotating anode with vertical line source and high-resolution Huber 2-circle diffractometer with Osmic Max-Flux multi-layer mirror wide band-pass monochromator, coupled to (111), (220), or (400) Si 2-bounce channel-cut post-monochromator, SPEC software control, high-count rate scintillation detector, automated beam attenuator and multi-channel analyzer XRF spectroscopy system.

  4. Blake High-Resolution tangential goniometer

    4-Bounce dispersive +- Si(220) monochromator with encoded high-angle resolution rocking curve/scan system. Sealed tube Cu x-ray source.

  5. PC data analysis workstation

    MDI-JADE powder diffraction analysis software, CrystalMaker diffraction simulation software, ICDD PDF4+ powder diffraction database and Laue analysis software.

  6. Rigaku ATX-G Thin-film Diffraction Workstation

    A high intensity 18 kW copper x-ray rotating anode source is coupled to a multilayer mirror. The system has selectable x-ray optical configurations suitable for work with single crystal, thin-film or poly-crystalline film samples. Also supported are grazing incidence, in-plane diffraction geometries, pole figures, reciprocal space mapping, and large-size wafer sample mounting.

  7. Rigaku Dmax

    Automated powder diffraction stations featuring Jade Analysis software.

  8. Rigaku S-MAX 3000 High Brilliance SAXS-WAXS System

    Rigaku S-MAX 3000 High Brilliance SAXS-WAXS System with a Cu Kα MicroMax source, KB multilayer mirror focusing monochromator, automated sample changer for SAXS-WAXS, and

  9. Rigaku SmartLab Thin-film Diffraction Workstation

    A high intensity 9 kW copper rotating anode x-ray source is coupled to a multilayer optic.

  10. Rigaku Ultima IV

    Automated powder diffraction stations featuring: high temperature environmental chamber for ambient to 1500°C work, a ten sample multi-sample changer, horizontal sample mounting permitting work wi

  11. Scintag XDS2000

    Automated diffraction system, with four-circle pole-figure and residual stress device, thin film diffraction attachment and solid-state detector.