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Program Application

Center for Advanced Materials Research

Brown University facilities are integral to the core research activities across faculty and programs at Brown, and are used by external (non-Brown) users.  The facilities vary widely in the types of equipment, the usage base and breadth, the need for maintenance, the need for technical staff support, the material supplies, and the actual operating costs.  Thus, each facility operates on a model designed for that facility, with the major larger-user-base facilities operating as cost-centers and the smaller facilities operating independently.  The demonstrated ability of these facilities to maintain financial stability, to maintain equipment, and to expand as needed, supports the diversity of management approaches.  Here, major current capabilities are listed and plans for new facilities and equipment are presented.  Not all of the new equipment will be funded solely from the MRSEC equipment fund, however; some upgrades will await the receipt of other funds that can leverage the MRSEC contributions.

Center Status: 
