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Synthesis and Fabrication (239)
Focused Ion Beam
Denis Pelekhov
Center for Emergent Materials
Ian Harvey
Next Generation Materials for Plasmonics and Organic Spintronics
Jerry Hunter
Wisconsin MRSEC
Mick Thomas
Cornell Center for Materials Research
Stephan Kraemer
Materials Research Laboratory: an NSF MRSEC
FEI DB235 Dual-Beam Focus Ion Beam System (FIB) w/ EDS
Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility
Materials Research Laboratory: an NSF MRSEC
Minnesota Nano Center (MNC)
UMN Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
FEI Helios Dual Beam FIB with an Omniprobe nanomanipulator and autoTEM sample preparation
Central Facility for Electron Microscopy
Center for Advanced Materials Research
FEI Helios G3 DualBeam FIB/SEM with EDS
Imaging and Analysis Center
Princeton Center for Complex Materials
FEI Helios Nanolab 600 Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam/Scanning Electron Microscope
NanoSystems Laboratory (NSL)
Center for Emergent Materials
FEI Nova 600 Dual-Beam Focused Ion Beam System
Fabrication and Processing
Materials Research Science Engineering Center
FEI Strata 200xp Focused-Ion Beam Workstation
Nanofabrication and Clean-Room
UNL Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
FEI Strata 400 STEM FIB
Electron Microscopy Cluster
Cornell Center for Materials Research
FEI Strata DB235 Focused Ion Beam
Electron Microscopy Facility
The Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
FEI StrataTM DB 235 FIB
Imaging and Analysis Center
Princeton Center for Complex Materials
FIB-FEI Quanta 200 3D FIB; 3.5nm SEM Resolution, 10nm Ga+ Beam, Pt GIS, and Selective Carbon Etch GIS
Materials Characterization Lab
Center for Nanoscale Science
FIB-FEI Helios NanoLab 660; DualBeam SEM/FIB Platform-pushing the limits of extreme high resolution characterization in 2D an 3D, nanoprototyping, and sample preparation
Materials Characterization Lab
Center for Nanoscale Science
Focused Ion Beam
Focused Ion Beam
Nanofabrication Facility
CRISP: Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena
Ion Beam Analysis
Characterization Facility (CharFac)
UMN Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Tescan S8252G Raman - SEM/FIB
Characterization Laboratory
Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Thermo Fisher Helios G4 UX Focused Ion Beam
Electron Microscopy Cluster
Cornell Center for Materials Research
ThermoFisher Helios G4 UX Plasma Focused Ion Beam/Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
The Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis Center (NIAC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wisconsin MRSEC
Zeiss Auriga Focused Ion Beam FIB/FESEM
The Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis Center (NIAC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wisconsin MRSEC
Shared instrumentation facilities: Benefiting researchers and universities, and sustaining research excellence
Making the Best of a Bad Situation: A Characterization Seminar Series
How NSF's Materials Research Facilities Network helps bolster the field of materials science and engineering
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